
  • John M.

    John M.

    ‘‘Joe helped me to focus on the essential aspects of my business and to avoid being distracted by peripheral issues. I found Joe to be a great listener who was extremely intuitive and empathetic. His years as a business owner in New York City prepared him to see challenges from business owners’ perspective and to provide clear guidance that was based on ethics and morality which defined a vision of success for me.’’

  • Stephen P.

    Stephen P.

    “We are a company who set and demand high standards. We strive to meet and exceed these standards daily. We have found your presentations to do the same. It is rare when a seminars enthusiasm lasts beyond the day of presentation, let alone weeks as yours have”

  • Louis K.S

    “After your session with us, my team and I took your “subconscious” suggestions and put them to work. I don’t believe any of us lacked sales confidence during our recent trade show in Las Vegas. Your suggestions are still at work in us today and they certainly helped lead us to a successful show”

  • Mitchel L.K

    Mitchel L.K

    “Joe has given us the tools to allow your seminar to carry over indefinitely’’

  • Jennifer Lemmen

    I was gifted sessions with Joe at a very trying period of my life. My mother was terminally ill, I had just gone through a rough breakup, and moved back to my childhood home (amongst other things). My weekly calls with Joe provided me a much-needed respite from the reality of my current situation, where I was able to speak freely about everything I was thinking and feeling in a judgement-free zone. Joe provided me with the tools to not only deal with the present challenges that I was facing, but to dig deep and reevaluate what it was that I wanted from my life, and how to go about achieving that. He showed me how my negative thought patterns were creating false realities for me; thus, generating fear and prohibiting me from taking charge of my own life. Just over a year later, I still refer to the notes I took during our sessions, reflecting on how far I have come, as well as reminding myself of what possibilities still lie ahead for me.

  • Christian, United States Secret Service Administrative Staff Member

    During the 2020 pandemic, I was in a bad place, mentally. I was mentally and physically exhausted by both professional/personal stressors. The pandemic tested me in willpower in ways that I was never tested before. From the start, Joe was there by my side. He helped me build up my self-esteem, my confidence and my willpower to handle multiple stressors at the same time. He coached me to achieve my success, to summon the strength that I have within. I became more spiritual after the pandemic and I thank god that I had Joe DeFrancesco in my life to guide me, assist me and I heartily recommend him for anyone looking that needs assistance in navigating life. Life can be tough...why go at it alone? Go to Joe D.!

  • Charles S.President and Managing Partner of Tutoring Revolution

    If you are searching for someone to help you move to a less stressful and more meaningful life, I highly recommend Joe DeFrancesco as a coach. I found the key difference between Joe’s service and others’ is that I came away with the ability to coach myself and not be dependent on someone else in achieving my goals. There were some really difficult hurdles in my journey, but Joe’s skills and support were critical in my finding a way to a less stressful and more fulfilling daily life. I consistently find myself using the strategies he gave me to overcome difficulties and to actually coach myself going forward. I highly recommend his services.

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